How we can support you

Understanding stakeholders is a key requirement to maximising our impact in the community. We take a joined-up approach with an emphasis on identifying the needs of the people who will be directly affected by the outcome of the initiative. The wider implications also need to be considered; whether these are intended and unintended, positive or negative. Intervention can be managed to keep widening the positive impacts. Everyone has the right to be heard so meaningful engagement is crucial to the success of a project.

– Understand and involve all stakeholders to determine purpose, scope, risks and approach.

– Engage with the local charity sector to gain a deeper understanding of wellbeing needs within the community.

– A local foot on the ground with an understanding of the unique systems and policies which affect the community.

Mapping and design

LNJ can help with the mapping of your initiatives to ensure optimal alignment with your values and goals, we will work with you to draw up a range of CSR activities that meet those values and goals, working with our charity and non-profit partners where appropriate to ensure maximum impact for those individuals effected. 

– Work with funders to align their goals and values with the charity funding opportunities.

– Design innovative and sustainable initiatives around areas of social well-being that they are passionate about.

– Undertake pre-emptive analysis to ensure resources are directed into initiatives that maximise social value.

Project management and delivery

We will manage the initiative, engaging with stakeholders throughout and responding to outcomes as they are being delivered. We take an adaptive and proactive approach to delivery and can manage from inception to completion working with partners from charitable organisations to construction firms to ensure everything is on track, on time and to specification.

– Oversee the delivery of initiatives, making sure the objectives between the investor and the facilitator. 

– Keep initiatives on track so they can take corrective actions when issues arise.

– Collect operational data from facilitators for purpose-led progress reports

Impact measurement and management

Our hybrid reporting and measurement model ensures that the most impact is being created throughout the lifespan of a project. By using key principles and adaptive methods for data collecting we are equipped to identify, map and evidence significant outcomes, both quantitative and qualitative, considering the wider outcomes that people place on the changes they experience in their lives through your purpose-led initiatives.


– Collect user outcomes, those aligned with funder objectives and those unique to the individual.

– Use a structured framework underpinned by generally accepted social accounting principles.

– Value outcomes, considering their relative importance and translating them into market prices using localised financial proxies.

Impact report

Our professionally curated and designed impact report tells the story of the impact of your initiative on the individuals lives and shows the value being created as a result of your CSR activity. This can be referenced in your annual report to show you are a company that takes its social obligations seriously and goes beyond a tick-box exercise. 

– Produce a data-driven report, meaningful for its audience, showing a true and fair view of your social impact.

– Cover the processes undertaken including qualitative, quantitative and financial aspects.

– Link your impact to the SDG framework and make recommendations to further improve and maximise your impact.